Findsi API documentation
Findsi is currently still in beta. As a result the API documentation is subject to change.

Supported Rels

Rels are the classifying part of a Resource. The following Rels are supported by Findsi.

Name Actor Target Description Link
Email yes yes A well formed e-mail address Wikipedia article
Facebook yes yes Facebook profile url Facebook
Ip no yes A well formed IP address -
LinkedIn yes yes LinkedIn profile url LinkedIn
Twitter yes yes Twitter handle in the format “@username” Twitter
Ean no yes European Article Number Wikipedia article
Gtin no yes - Wikipedia article
Ipi yes yes Interested Parties Information Wikipedia article
Isbn no yes International Standard Book Number Wikipedia article
Isni yes yes International Standard Name Identifier Wikipedia article
Isrc no yes International Standard Recording Code Wikipedia article
Iswc no yes International Standard Musical Work Code Wikipedia article
Jan no yes Japanese Article Number Wikipedia article
Upc no yes Universal Product Code Wikipedia article
Url no yes A well formed url -

Note that this list is likely to expand as adoption of Findsi spreads across different markets. If you feel that support for a specific Rel needs to be added, feel free to contact us.

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